Operations Management
F0CUS on the whole lifecycle
With F0CUS you can manage the order lifecycle from receipt to completion. Keep track of your orders, understand your workstack and securely store everything for each order in one place.
Manage work by status
F0CUS’s status management capability ensures that everyone understands their workstack. Orders progress through each status either manually, or at certain system checkpoints. In addition, orders can be put on hold and resumed.
Be confident that orders are compliant before moving onto the next stage, as all data is validated by F0CUS’s Compliance module. Changes to order status are timestamped, making auditing and reporting simple.
Intelligent searching
With F0CUS you can quickly and easily find the information you need. We understand that getting to the correct data efficiently is key; and that not all queries are data driven.
With F0CUS users can refine their search results on a map and use a combination of data searches and geographical searches to narrow down their results. Users can then work with just the data that they need.
In addition, our batching options allow users to then work with the search results, be that creating job packs, status management, or bulk data updates. Users can also search for groups of known order numbers – the search configurations are endless.
Intelligent searching saves time and allows your workforce to concentrate on providing best value, rather than competing mundane tasks that have a higher chance of error.
Document and image management
With F0CUS you can store the photos and documents that matter with each order. Whether it’s photos captured on site or pre-requisite documents such as a Permit to Work and approved designs, you can instantly view all files once they are added to an order.
Search images and documents. Documents can carry metadata and images can hold geospatial information such as latitude, longitude, altitude and heading. Images and documents are also sharable with clients and customers via the customer portal.
Order ranking
F0CUS’s rich data structure allows you to create your own hierarchies of orders. Orders as standard belong to a contract, however you can easily configure end customers, local areas, priorities, job types and operational areas. Orders can be placed in projects to group together at a much deeper level. You can also allocate as parent-child relationships to understand complex groupings.
Order hierarchies enable powerful reporting structures and visualisations, especially when combined with F0CUS’s order status management tools.
Set up F0CUS to suit your contracts and your way of working.
We know that all contracts are unique. We also know how frustrating it is to populate data where it doesn’t really belong! That’s why in F0CUS we have made the system configurable to your contract with custom attributes.
These sit at a number of levels within the system – primarily against an order. You can configure the details you want to capture and store them in an appropriately named field. These attributes can be searched, updated and reported on like any other data point in the system, and data types include drop down lists, dates, and free text so you can maintain the integrity of your data right from the source.